
The machine comes with a wired and tested controller that features the bullet proof Gecko g540 drive a 48 volt power supply and three 280oz motors
$2500 +150 ship to 48 states

Table size
3 1/2 x 18 1/2 inch table
X Axis Travel (in) 12
Y Axis Travel (in) 5.5
Z Axis Travel (in) 6
Spindle Nose Thread
3/4" - 16 T.P.I.
Spindle Nose Taper ER16
Spindle Speed Range (rpm)
Spindle Power (hp)
.25 at 120volts
The Deepgroove1 CNC mills are designed for CNC machining almost any part that fits into it's work envelope.
They're accurate, versatile, and extremely easy to use. You will be amazed at how capable they are. It will eat aluminum for lunch, mild steel, light cuts on stainless and titanium.
People use these systems to create anything from complex 3D shapes to simple 2D profiles.
Experienced machinists can choose from a wide range of available options for complex setups and advanced machining operations.